Booster Dose

In the interest of the medical center for the health and safety of the university’s employees and their completion of the immunization doses against the Coronavirus, the Corona Vaccine Center receives the beneficiaries of the university’s employees, including students, faculty members, employees, and their families to be vaccinated with the booster dose of the Corona vaccine.

According to the Ministry of Health recommendations, the booster dose is available for age groups from 16 years and over who have completed three months after receiving the second dose.

Starting from February 1, 2022, receiving the booster dose will be mandatory for continuing the (immune) status in the “Tawakalna” application. It will also be a condition for entering any economic, commercial, cultural, sports or tourism activity, any cultural, scientific, social or recreational event, and any government facility or private, whether to perform business or audit, ride planes and public transportation.

Book an appointment at the Corona Vaccine Center by visiting the Medical Center’s booking website through the university’s electronic portal.

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